Patient partnership in quality improvement of healthcare services: Patients’ inputs and challenges faced
Pomey, M-P.; Hihat, H.; Khalifa, M.; Lebel, P.; Néron, A.; and Dumez, V. (2015). «Patient partnership in quality improvement of healthcare services: Patients’ inputs and challenges faced», Patient Experience Journal: Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 6.
Paule Lebel
Vincent Dumez
This research focuses on the perception of patients who participated in Continuous Quality Improvement Committees (CIC) regarding their contribution, lessons learned, and challenges encountered. The committees are engaged in a care partnership approach where patients are recognized for their experiential knowledge and treated as full members of the clinical team. Based on patient interviews, we conclude that they bring a structured and thoughtful vision of their experience. They identify themselves as real partners in the care process and are grateful for the opportunity to improve the care provided to other patients by using their own experience and by bringing changes to the patient-professional relationship, particularly in terms of communication. They also become better acquainted with the complexity of the health system and its organization. However, their participation in CICs raised two challenges. The first was their availability, as their professional schedules did not always allow them to participate in meetings.
The second was their frustration with the slow decision-making process and implementation of necessary measures for quality improvement of healthcare and services. This study highlights the contribution of successful patient participation to quality of care improvement.
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