Le guide canadien de l’engagement des patients en matière de sécurité : état des pratiques exemplaires au Canada


Engaging patients in patient safety – a Canadian guide on best practices in Canada Patient safety is a major issue in healthcare systems. For a decade, engagement of patients and their families has been recognized to contribute to healthcare quality and safety. Regarding safety, patients can play a key role to prevent and reduce risk situations that may affect their health. In Canada, several patient engagement initiatives have been undertaken at different levels of the healthcare system (health policies, organization of care and services, direct care). Through multiple initiatives and projects from health and research institutions, as well as from committed actors, several Canadian healthcare organizations and clinical teams started integrating patient engagement in patient safety improvement. This article proposes a summary of Engaging patients in patient safety- a Canadian guide published by the Canadian Patient Safety Institute. This guide offers an overview of promising initiatives in Canada intended to involve patients and their families in safety. It also provides a set of resources and tools, elaborated in Canada, and elsewhere, to facilitate patient engagement in safety. This guide is a useful resource to help patients and their families, health professionals, managers and all health stakeholders collaborate for patient safety improvement.

This content has been updated on 29 January 2018 at 17 h 12 min.