



Patient engagement in an academic community-based primary care practice’s management committee: A case study

Patient engagement in primary care has been the focus of many studies; however, little research has evaluated its added value to organisational management in an academic community-based primary care practice (ACBPCP). In 2017, managers of an ACBPCP in Montreal, Canada, decided to integrate patients into the organization’s management committee to enhance the quality and relevance […] Read more


Patient Engagement: How Patient-provider Partnerships Transform Healthcare Organizations

Patient-oriented approaches to healthcare management have been brought to the fore in recent years, yet this book underlines how even further change is needed in order to fully mobilise the experiential knowledge of patients, and ultimately improve our healthcare systems. With contributions from scholars and patients across the globe, this collection brings together a comprehensive […] Read more


Engager les patients à tous les niveaux de gouvernance : l’exemple du CIUSSS de la Mauricie-et-du-centre-du Québec.

This content is not available in the selected language. Introduction En 2014, la Fondation canadienne pour l’amélioration des services de santé a lancé un appel de candidature pour nancer des projets d’amélioration continue de la qualité qui impliquent des patients (FCASS, 2016). C’est ainsi que le Centre de santé et de services sociaux de l’Énergie […] Read more


Appropriateness for total joint replacement: Perspectives of decision-makers

Abstract Background: Improving access to total joint replacement (TJR) has been a priority. Without robust mechanisms to ensure appropriateness, these procedures may be overused, incur- ring substantial costs. In that context, decision-makers are particularly concerned with the appropriateness of TJR. Objective: While our previous research focused on the appropriateness of TJR from clinical and patient […] Read more