Axis 1 The impact of health technologies on patient-caregiver relationships and on the organization of care and services

This research axis aims to document the use and best practices of e-health and connected health in Quebec.

 Current projects:

  • Perception of family physicians about the impact of the use of connected health (mobile apps and connected objects) on their practice and the organization of the health system.
  • Perception of medical students about the impact of the use of connected health (mobile applications and connected objects) on their practice and the organization of the health system.
  • Perception of health professionals on the arrival of smart textiles (Hexoskin ©).

Expected results :

  • Document how physicians and patients / citizens perceive the impact of new technologies on relationships between professionals and patients.
  • To feed the reflections around the construction of the interactive platform of CHUM-CHU SJ, Communicant-Teaching-Learner Hospital.


Axis 2 The patient experience at the service of the clinic and the improvement of the organization of services

This axis aims to analyze and document the contribution of Patients Accompagnateurs (PA), that is patients who have already lived an episode of care and are ready to use this acquired knowledge for other patients who will live a similar situation. These PAs are included in the care teams of the patients. The research aims to evaluate how these programs are implemented in the institutions and their impact on the patients, the care teams and themselves.  We also wish to document how their experiential knowledge can be mobilized by patients and teams to improve the physical, psychological and social health of patients.

Current projects:

PAROLE: Accompanying Patients an Organizational Resource as Leverage to Improve Patient Experience

  • PAROLE - Onco
  • PAROLE - Pediatric transition (cardiology, gastroenterology, etc.)
  • PAROLE - Chronic diseases (kidney failure, transplant, etc.)
  • PAROLE - Rehabilitation (CEVARMU hand clinical, burn victims)
  • Project "Towards an interdisciplinary accompaniment of patients undergoing disfiguring oncological surgery requiring reconstruction with a facial prosthesis."
  • Patient engagement in safe care

Expected results:

  • Develop new knowledge on how to co-build innovations with patients at the clinical level.
  • Identify and analyze the factors that favor the implementation of P.A
  • Evaluate knowledge transfer practices (multidirectional) between P.A, patients and professionals.
  • Respond to the ethical and legal challenges of introducing P.A in healthcare settings by developing processes and tools to respond to them.
  • Better understand the dimensions that are sensitive to the effects of the intervention of the P.A on patients, the P.A themselves, the care team, managers and decision-makers, and the organization of care.


Axis 3 Measuring the Impact of the Contribution of Experiential Knowledge in Patient Health and Safety

This axis aims to develop measurement indicators for the care and services partnership in order to document and analyze its impact on the different levels of institutional governance. This collaborative work is done with the community of practice on the experience and care partnership.

Current projects:

  • Development of validated questionnaires to evaluate the care and service partnership.
  • Development of measurement indicators of the care and service partnership.

Expected results:

  • At the clinical level: assess the needs of patients in terms of partnership and assess the perception of professionals on the paternship level.
  • At the organizational level: assess the contribution of patients' presence on committees by the patients themselves and by the stakeholders.


Axis 4 Knowledge transfer

This axis aims to better understand how the engagement of citizens and patients contributes to a successful transformation of health organizations and the health system and to provide policy makers, managers, clinicians, patients and citizens with evidence to help them make informed decisions in regards to the best practices for engaging citizens and patients.

In addition, the creation of communities of practice composed of patients, managers, researchers from the fields of medicine, management, sociology, political science, education, economics, public health, as well as patient-researchers will document and analyze the experience and the partnership of care and services with the user.

Current projects:

  • Establishment of a community of practice on the experience and the partnership of care and services with the user grouping all the institutions of the health network.
  • Creating a community of resource patients so that they can share their practices.
  • Mobilization of social media platforms (blog, Facebook, Twitter) as a tool for promoting the experiential knowledge of patients and the dissemination of ongoing research projects.

Expected results:

  • Create spaces for co-construction of innovative practices and best practices in the deployment of experience and partnership of care and services.
  • Promote the dissemination of the community of practice's achievements and its influence in the health and social services system.
  • Contribute to enriching a shared vision of partnership.
  • Document the changes observed in the professionals' practices.

This content has been updated on 7 August 2023 at 14 h 26 min.